Beautiful Blue Eyed Blonde
Called by Max Ringe
Four little ladies chain, go straight across the ring
Half sashay and circle to the left,
Four Ladies rollaway circle left again
Left allemande your corner, and weave round the ring
You weave it in and out until you meet your own
Swing your lady there and promenade along
Promenade on home, go and sing a happy song
Swing with your pretty blue eyed blond
1 & 3 Square Thru 4 hands round the ring,
With the corner, do a Do Sa Do to an ocean wave
Linear Cycle (hinge, fold, follow, and peel to your right)
Right & left thru, turn your girl then Slide Thru,
Everybody Pass Thru, Half sashay, and U turn back
Swing the corner girl, promenade you pop
Promenade along and sing a happy song
Swing with your pretty blue eyed blond
1 & 3 (2 & 4) promenade go 1/2 way,
2 & 4 (1 & 3) Star Thru, and then California Twirl
Swing Thru with a pair you found, Boys Run to the right,
Ferris wheel you do, centers Right & left thru,
Double pass thru, track 2,
Boys Run to the right, keep her promenade
Promenade along and sing a happy song
Swing with your pretty blue eyed blond
Allemande Left the corner, All 8 Spin the Top
Swing right, girls star boys walk around, All 8 Spin the Top
Swing right, boys star girls walk around,
Turn Thru, Left allemande, and Weave round the ring
Gonna weave it in and out until you meet your own
Swing the lady there and promenade to home
Promenade along and sing a happy song
Swing with your pretty blue eyed blond
Swing with your pretty blue eyed blond
Produced by: Tracy Brown 1410 West Collins Street Flatwoods, KY