What I've Got On My Mind
Called by
Max Ringe
Circle Left
* There's a million things that we could do this evening
Boys star by the Right, one time around the ring
Left allemande your corner girl, you do a Dosado
Boys Promenade one time around
Swing and promenade her, baby
We could catch a cab to New Orleans
Well now the heads square thru four hands you go
Then you do a Dosado
Oh, baby swing thru and then, spin the top
Boys move up and do a right & left thru
Flutter wheel and go, Sweep a Quarter
Swing your corner, and promenade
Well to tell the truth what I got in mind is making love to you
Side Face Grand Square
* Well I confess and you can find me guilty
Yes, I'm a selfish lover, I cannot deny
(4 Boys Promenade)
But I love you and I don't want to share you (Swing and Promenade)
with any night lights or darling any other eyes
Tag: Four Ladies Chain across and back
But what I got in mind
is a small cafe, out of the way.
Produced by: Tracy Brown, 1410 West Collins Street Flatwoods, KY 41139