Greatest American Hero
Called by Kaneko Jr.
Sides Face Grand Square
Look what's happened to me. I can't believe it myself
Suddenly I'm up on top of the world
- should have been somebody else
Allemande Weave
Believe it or not I'm walking on air
Swing your Girl and Promenade
Flying away on a wing and a prayer Believe it or not, it's just me
Heads promenade go halfway
Sides do a right and left thru
Sides square thru 4 hands around you go
Dosado, eight chain 4
Believe it or not I'm walking on air
Swing the corner girl and promenade
Flying away on a wing and a prayer Believe it or not it's just me
Four ladies promenade one time around
Back home swing your man
Join your hands and circle The Left, Left Allemande and weave
Believe it or not I'm walking on air
Swing your girl and promenade
Flying away on a wing and a prayer Believe it or not, it's just me
Just like the light of a new day, it hit me from out of the blue
Breaking me out of the spell I was in,
Making all of my wishes come true
Produced by: Tracy Brown & Jack Burg 1410 West Collins Street Flatwoods, KY