Soul Fillin Station
Called by Kaneko Jr.
Four ladies promenade one time around,
Back home swing your man
Join hands circle, to The Left go around you know
Allemande , weave
What we need is a soul filling station
Swing your girl, promenade
Where a heart out of gas Can fill up for that fast getaway
Heads square thru go for hands
Dosado that corner lady
Swing thru and then, Swing thru again you know
All 8 circulate, Slide thru, Slide thru,
Pass thru, Trade by, Corner swing ,
Swing your girl promenade
Cause nobody's gonna make it on Watered down gasoline
Sides face, grand square
What we need is a soul fillin' station - yes we do
With full service, open 24 hours a day
Allemande left and weave
One that's pumping that high-octane super-salvation
Swing your girl, promenade
Where a heart out of gas Can fill up for that fast getaway
Allemande left, Swing
Where a heart out of gas Can fill up for that fast getaway
Produced by: Tracy Brown & Jack Burg 1410 West Collins Street Flatwoods, KY