Oh You Beautiful Doll
Called by Kumi Takahashi
Opener, Middle
Circle left
Oh! you beautiful doll, You great big beautiful doll!
Left Allemande the corner, Dosado your partner,
Left Allemande the corner, Weave the ring
If you ever leave me how my heart will ache,
Swing and Promenade, But I fear you'd break
Oh, oh, oh, oh, Oh you beautiful doll!
Heads (Sides) Square thru four hands,
Sides (Heads) half sashay
Everybody Dosado one time around,
Swing thru two by two, Boys run right
Make a line of four, Go up the middle and back,
Pass thru, Wheel and deal, Double pass thru,
Leaders trade, Swing and Promenade
Oh, oh, oh, oh, Oh you beautiful doll!
Four boys Promenade one time,
Back home swing with your beautiful doll!
Join hands Circle left go moving around,
Left Allemande the corner girl and Weave the ring
If you ever leave me how my heart will ache
I want to hug you but I fear you'd break
Oh, oh, oh, oh, Oh you beautiful doll!
Oh such a beautiful doll!
Produced by: Tracy Brown & Jack Burg 1410 West Collins Street Flatwoods, KY