Time For Love
Called by Kaneko Jr.
Circle left
Remember when we fell in love together
We were just a couple of crazy kids
Allemande left that corner, do a do sa do
Allemande left that corner, weave the ring
We are taking time to be in love
Swing your girl and promenade
It's just you and me taken time to be in love
Heads (Sides) promenade 3/4 round there
Sides (Heads) pair do right & left thru
Sides (Heads) pass thru,
Touch 1/4, Walk & dodge, Partner trade and then,
Touch 1/4, Circulate, Boys run right,
Swing your girl, promenade
I guess they think we've found the secret to it
They don't know were learning every day
Sides face Grand Square
Taking time to be in love, making sure we know it's true
We lock the world outside and steal away
Just the two of us
Allemande and weave
And we share each other dreams
And laugh at crazy things
It's just you and me taken time to be in love
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Produced by: Tracy Brown & Jack Burg 1410 West Collins Street Flatwoods, KY