I Love You Because
Called By
Bill Odam
Opener---Sides Face Grand square
I love you because you understand dear
Every single thing I try to do
Circle Left
You're always there to lend a helping hand dear
Allemande & Promenade
But most of all I love you Because your you
Middle Break & Closer--- Sides Face Grand Square
I love you because my heart is lighter
Every time you're walkin'by my side
Circle Left
I love you because the future's brighter
Allemande & Promenade
A door to happiness you've opened wide
No Tag
Figure / Twice Heads /Sides
Promenade them 1/2 way around
come down the middle do a right and left thru
square thru and count 'em'4 hands around
Do Sa Do the corner girl
Touch a 1/4, Scoot Back and then
Swing the corner promenade my friend
But most of all I love you because you're you
Produced by: Tracy Brown, 1410 West Collins Street Flatwoods, KY