Tony Simmons
1638 Whiteford Rd.
Cross Hil , SC 29332
Who Can I Count On?
Four Ladies Promenade inside that ring.
Back home and then Swing your man around.
Join hands and Circle Left, go moving `round you do.
Left Allemande and Weave the Ring.
Who can I count on if I can't count on you.
Swing your girl, Promenade her, too.
I can't convince myself that we're real y through.
Who can I count on if I can't count on you.
Heads [sides] Promenade half way around you go.
Down the middle, Pass the Ocean, Extend and go.
Girls Trade and then Swing Thru my friend.
Boys Run Right, Bend the Line, go Right and Left Thru and then,
Square Thru and go three hands around you know.
Swing that corner, Promenade and go.
I can't convince myself that we're real y through.
Who can I count on if I can't count on you?
Who can I count on,
Who can I count on,
Who can I count on,
If I can't count on you.
Produced by: Tracy Brown, 3017 Fernleaf Dr. Maysville, KY 41056
Bob Elling, 16000 Marcella St., San Leandro, CA 94578