Called by
Jerry Biggerstaff
P.O. Box 1306
Marion, NC 28752
Hark, the Herald Angels Sing
Grand Square.
Hark the herald angels sing,
Glory to the new born King,
Peace on earth and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled.
Four Ladies Promenade one time.
Swing your girl around and Promenade.
Hark the herald angels sing,
Glory to the New Born King.
Heads [sides] Square Thru count `em 4 hands `round,
You make a Right Hand Star.
The Heads Star Left, rol it one time and then,
Same two Right and Left Thru.
Swing Thru and then Swing Thru again.
Swing the corner lady `round and Promenade.
Hark the herald angels sing,
Glory to the new born King.
Grand Square
[music for 32 beats]
Four Ladies Promenade one time.
Swing your girl around and Promenade.
Hark the herald angels sing,
Glory to the new born King.
Produced by: Tracy Brown, 3017 Fernleaf Dr. Maysville, KY 41056
Bob Elling, 16000 Marcella St., San Leandro, CA 94578