CLOSER Basic - SSD Week 1
4 little ladies promenade
Go once around that ring he said
You're gonna get back home & swing with your baby
Join hands make that ole ring
Circle left, go round I sing
Al emande left that corner, weave the ring now
So darlin' let it rain, let it snow
Let the cold north winds blow
Swing my girl and promenade her
North, south, east or west
You know I'l withstand the test
Just as long as you love me
Just as long as you love me
Fourteen Minutes Old
Cal ed By Nickey Zimmerman
Circle left
I had all the time I need to wonder
Just how much I miss her being gone
Left allemande the corner, dosado
Left allemande the corner and weave the ring
Some big old tear fell from my blue eyes
Swing the girl and promenade
I'm already missing time when she was mine to hold
Her memory's only 14 minutes old
Head couples square thru it's 4 hands
And find that corner dosado
Swing thru and then boys run right
Bend the line and do the right & left thru
Flutter wheel and slide thru
Swing that corner and promenade
There's still coffee in her cup and it's not even cold
Her memory's only 14 minutes old