Music By: Jim Kline
Cow Patti
Patty Greene
915 Wind Carved Lane
Jim Stafford (1980)
Monroe, North Carolina 28110
From the movie "Any Which Way You Can"
Opener/Break/Closer: (Sides Face Grand Square)
From the badlands came the killer, he lived by his knife and the gun
He'd cut you just for standing and shoot you if you tried to run
He was as big as a tree and did what he pleased and everything he did was bad
They said, if you was to kill him it'd only make him mad (Circle Left)
Yippee-i-ay, Cow Patti.
Allemande Left ­ Promenade `em
She rode into town to find the man that killed her daddy
Yippee-i-ay, Cow Patti.
Head two couples Promenade ­ halfway round that ring
Down the middle and Square Thru ­ four hands `round I sing
All the and then - do a Right & Left Thru
Veer to the Left - Ferris Wheel you do
Square Thru three - hands round there
Swing your corner - Promenade her
She rode into town to find the man that killed her daddy
Yippee-i-ay, Cow Patti.
Additional Lyrics:
From the goodlands came the cowgirl, Patti was her name
She was hot on the trail of that killer on a moped she called Flame
'Cause the killer had killed her daddy just for spittin' in the road
And you only had to kill her daddy once to get that gal p.o.'d
The killer took a step toward Patti, said, "It's time I gunned you down"
But he slipped in something that was laying in the street and was shot before he hit the
Yes, the killer slipped, it cost him his life, Patti said, as she raced out of town,
"You got to watch your step, when you know the chips are down."
Produced By: Monk Moore, 3522 NC Hwy 55 W, Angier, NC 27501 Phone: 919-639-4454