I'm Walkin'
Called by
Paul Bristow
You circle to the left
Well I'm walkin', yes indeed and I'm talkin' about you and me
And I'm hopin' you'll come back to me!
You do an allemande left with thr corner go, come on home a dosado
Four boys star left you see
Meet the partner - turn her by the right
And you go left allemande tonight
Come back swing and whirl
Promenade along with prettiest little girl
I'm walkin', yes indeed and I'm talkin' about you and me
And I'm hopin' you'll come back to me!
Whoa! The head two couples pass thru, seperate around you do
You make a line - forward up and back - star thru
You do a double pass all the way thru, put the centres in
Cast off three quarter make a line of four again - Star thru!
Those centres pass thru - touch a quarter, scoot back
Swing and whirl the pretty little girl and promenade right after that
I'm walkin', yes indeed and I'm talkin' about you and me
And I'm hopin' you'll come back to me!
You Swing your girl - I'm hopin' you'll come back to me!