My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys
Mel Wilkerson
OPENER - Circle left
I grew up dreaming of being a cowboy
And loving those cowboy ways
Men Star By The Right, roll it around now
Allemande Left and Weave the ring
My heroes have always been cowboys...
And they still are, it seems
(Swing and Promenade)
Sadly in search of and one step in back of
Themselves and their slow moving dreams
FIGURE Basic / SSD week 9
Heads Right and Left Thru and turn with that girl
Heads Rollaway, and then you back away
Sides Pass the Ocean, Extend, Swing Thru,
Boys Run, got lines of four
Pass Thru, Wheel and Deal,...
Centres Square Thru 3,...
Swing Corner and Promenade
Just take what you need from the ladies, then leave them,
With the words of a sad country song.
Middle Break Circle left
I learned of all the rules of the modern-day drifter,
Don't hold on to nothin' too long.
Men Star By The Right, roll it once around now.
Allemande Left and Weave the ring.
My heroes have always been cowboys...
And they still are, it seems.
(Swing and Promenade)
Old worn-out saddles, and old worn-out memories,
With no one and no place to stay
Closer - Sides face Grand Square
Cowboys are special with their own brand of misery,
From being alone too long.
You could die from the cold in the arms of a nightmare,
Knowin' well that your best days are gone.
Allemande Left and Weave the ring.
My heroes have always been cowboys...
And they still are, it seems.
(Swing and Promenade)
Sadly in search of and one step in back of
Themselves and their slow-moving dreams
Produced by: Tracy Brown 1410 West Col ins Street Flatwoods, KY