Ride Ride Ride
Cal ed by Joe Goins
Opener ­ Middle Break- Closer
*Since you've got on your high horse ­ with those fancy friends you found
*You've had a hard time seeing me ­ you're always looking down
Now Walk Around Your Corner Lady ­ SeeSaw around your own
Allemande that Corner girl and weave the ring and go
It's in and out around now ­ until you meet your maid
Swing and whirl that pretty little girl and then Promenade that way
If you don't want me Honey _ If you're not satisfied
If you don't care ­ Get on your horse and ride, ride, ride
Figure (Tdwie for Heads - Twice for Sides)
Head ( Side) Two Couples Touch ¼ ­ now Walk and Dodge and go
You Circle Up four ­ make a line ­ dance up to the middle and back
Now Touch ¼ there ­ All eight will Circulate
Boys Run then a Right and Left Thru ­ turn that girl tonight
You'll Pass to the Center ­ and Square Thru go 3/4's round
Swing and Whirl that Pretty little girl and Promenade that town
If you don't want me Honey ­ If you're not satisfied
If you don't care ­ Get on your horse and ride, ride, ride
Addition Lines for Middle Break
**You talked about me Honey ­ you tried to tear me down
**But when you throwing dirt on me you're slowly losing ground
Addition Line for Closer
***I'll have your second fiddle - returned to you today
***Cause baby that's on instrument I never learned to play
If you don't care get on your horse and ride, ride, ride