Light The Candles Around The World
Called By
Steve Turner, Kevin Kelly, James Reid & Jason Dean
Sides face grand square
Light the candles around the world
Pray the light will never cease
Till the nations of the world
Take each other's hand in peace
4 ladies chain and show the way
Chain her back and promenade your girl
Make the night as bright as day
And light the candles around the world
Heads (sides) square thru, 4 hands from where you are
You meet the sides (heads) and make a right hand star
The heads (sides) star left, you've done this before
You meet your corner lady, square thru 4
Light the path and show the way
Swing your corner girl and then you promenade
Make the night as bright as day
And light the candles around the world.
Sides face, grand square
Light the path and show the way
For every boy and every girl
Make the night as bright as day
Light the candles around the world
4 ladies promenade, around I say
Swing and promenade
The light will never cease
Till the nations of the world
Hold each other's hand in peace
Swing her
Take each other's hand in peace