My Sentimental Friend
Called by: Chris Froggatt Sydney, Australia
Four ladies promenade, go once around you know
Get back, swing there with your man
Join hands, circle left, hey moving round you go
Left allemande your corner, now weave the ring
Won't you please play a song, a sentimental song
Swing your girl, you promenade
Then if the time is right, maybe I'll hold her tight
My sentimental friend over there
Figure - twice for Heads, twice for Sides
Heads promenade, halfway
Sides touch a quarter, walk and dodge
Swing thru with the outside two, boys run right
Bend the line, right and left thru you know, turn the girl
Flutterwheel go, one time and then, sweep one quarter more
Pass thru, corner swing, promenade
Then if the time is right, maybe I'll hold her tight
My sentimental friend over there
Middle and Break Closer
(Circle left) Won't you please play a song, a sentimental song
For my sentimental friend over there?
Men star right, once around tonight
Allemande your corner, weave that ring
Bring the tears to her eyes, help to make her realize
The love we had was just beyond compare
Then if the time is right, maybe I'll hold her tight
My sentimental friend over there
Tag ending
Then if the time is right, maybe I'll hold her tight
My sentimental friend over there