Let's Stick Together
Called by: Chris Froggatt Sydney, Australia
Sides Face, Grand square
32-beat instrumental with saxophone
Well now the four ladies chain, why don't you turn with that girl
Hey roll away, circle left and go, let's stick together
Four ladies roll away, let's stick together
Allemande left and weave the ring
You know we made a vow not leave one another never
Swing a little girl and promenade
Yeah we made a vow, not leave one another, never
Figure - twice for Heads, twice for Sides
Heads (Sides) promenade and you go, three quarters around
Sides (Heads) right & left thru, why don't you turn 'em and around
Pass thru, touch a quarter, split circulate, boys run around a girl
Reverse flutter and go, sweep ¼, pass thru
Corner swing there, promenade around that square
You know we made a vow, not leave one another, never
Middle and Break Closer
Sides Face, Grand square
32-beat instrumental with saxophone
Four ladies (men) promenade one time around
Get back you swing now, promenade around the town
You know we made a vow, not leave one another, never
No tag ending