On The Eighth Day
Called by: David Gilroy Newcastle Australia
Opener, Middle Break, Closer
(Sides face, grand square)
It took the Lord just six days to make the mountains
The oceans and the rivers, the valleys and the hills
Then life on earth began, but there was more to the plan
He took the seventh day just to rest, and then (circle left)
On the eighth day God created music
He put the leaves in the breeze (allemande left and promenade)
Then he gave the wind a song, and the birds they sang along
And the world joined in perfect harmony
Figure - twice for Heads, twice for Sides
Heads promenade you travel halfway
Lead right and circle, break out and make a line
Up to the middle and back, star thru like that
Dosado, and do an 8 chain 5
On the eighth day God created music
He put the leaves in the breeze, swing your corner, promenade
Then he gave the wind a song, and the birds they sang along
And the world joined in perfect harmony