Bye Bye Love
Four ladies chain now, you're gonna turn that girl
Called by
Hey chain her back, turn that girl
Jerry Justin
Join your hands, circle to the left go down the line
Allemande Left, then you weave the ring
Bye bye love, bye bye happiness, hello loneliness
Swing and promenade
Bye bye love, bye bye sweet caress
Hello emptiness, well I feel like I could die
Heads square thru four hands, go down the line
Make a right hand star, one time (listen now)
Girls turn around and touch 1/4, scoot back and then
Boys run right, pass the ocean
Swing thru and then swing thru again
Swing that corner girl and you promenade your friend
Bye bye love, bye bye sweet caress
Hello emptiness, well I feel like I could die
MIDDLE BREAK - CLOSER Sides face, grand square
There goes my baby with someone new
She sure looks happy, I sure am blue
She was my baby till he stepped in
Goodbye to romance that might have been
Circle left
Bye bye love, bye bye happiness, hello loneliness
Allemande left and promenade
Bye bye love, bye bye sweet caress
Hello emptiness, well I feel like I could die
Heads square thru four, right hand star (full turn)
Reverse your star, star by the left (full turn)
Boys turn around, touch 1/4, scoot back
Boys run right, right and left thru,
Slide thru, swing & promenade
Heads square thru gour, right hand star (full turn)
Star left in the center (full turn)
Reverse your star (full turn), find the corner
Allemande left, turn thru, swing & promenade
Heads left square thru four, left hand star (full turn)
Star right in the center (full turn)
Reverse your star (full turn), find the corner
Pass thru, allemande left, swing & promenade
Bye bye, my love, good bye
Bye bye, my love, good bye