Rockin' In Rosalie's Boat
ESP 1031
Caller Elmer Sheffield
Four ladies promenade inside the ring now
Go back and give your gal a swing
Join up hands circle go walkin' along
Left allemande and weave the ring
Oh the stars are bright, there's a moon out tonight
Swing your girl and you promenade her
We sure make lots of waves on the water
Rockin' in Rosalie's boat
Come on the heads square thru in the middle four hands go
Dosado the corner, make a wave and the ladies trade
Swing thru and the boys run right
Tag your line, girls go left, the boys go right
Left allemande and then
Swing and promenade her
We sure make lots of waves on the water
Rockin' in Rosalie's boat
Head ladies center teacup chain
(Musical interlude 32 beats)
Four boys promenade inside the ring
Get back home, swing your girl and promenade her
We sure make lots of waves on the water
Rockin' in Rosalie's boat
Give her a swing
Rockin' in Rosalie's boat