Roly Poly
Called by
Glenn Wilson
Circle Left
Roly Poly, eatin' Corn and Taters
He's hungry every minute of the day
The Men Star Right, once around tonight
Left Allemande and Weave the Ring
Wind it, weave it, in and out, until you meet again
Swing your lady there, and Promenade the ring
Roly Poly, gnawin' on a biscuit
As long as he can chew it, it's okay
Heads Promenade, Halfway around
Down the middle, Pass the Ocean there, Extend
Swing Thru, Spin the Top
Boys move up and do the Right and Left Thru
Flutter Wheel across the floor, Sweep 1/4 more
Swing your girl and then, Promenade back home
Roly Poly, eats a hearty dinner
It takes a lot strength to run and play
Circle Left
He can eat an apple pie before a cat can blink his eye
He likes anything from soup to hay
The Men Star Right, once around tonight
Left Allemande and Weave the Ring
Wind it, weave it, in and out, until you meet again
Swing your lady there, and Promenade the ring
Roly Poly, gnawin' on a biscuit
As long as he can chew it, it's okay
Circle Left
Roly Poly, scrambled eggs for breakfast
Bread and Jelly, twenty times a day
The Men Star Right, once around tonight
Left Allemande and Weave the Ring
Wind it, weave it, in and out, until you meet again
Swing your lady there, and Promenade the ring
Roly Poly, gnawin' on a biscuit
As long as he can chew it, it's okay
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Produced by: Tracy Brown 1410 West Col ins Street Flatwoods, KY