Bouquet of Roses
Called by
Glenn Wilson
Sides Face Grand Square
I'm sending you a big bouquet of roses
One for every time you broke my heart
And as the door of love between us closes
Tears will fall like petals when we part
4 Ladies Promenade, go once inside the ring
Get home, Swing your man and then you Promenade
So I'm sending you a big bouquet of roses
One for every time you broke my heart
Heads you Promenade and travel Halfway
Walk in and Square Thru to 4
All the way, a Right & Left Thru now
Veer Left and the Couples Circulate
Half Tag, Scoot Back and the corner lady Swing
Keep that girl and Promenade the ring
I'm sending you a big bouquet of roses
One for every time (you broke my heart)
Sides Face Grand Square
You made our lover's lane a road of sorrow
Till at last we had to say goodbye
You're leaving me to face each new tomorrow
With a broken heart you taught to cry
4 Ladies Promenade, go once inside the ring
Get home, Swing your man and then you Promenade
So I'm sending you a big bouquet of roses
One for every time you broke my heart
One for every time you broke my heart
Produced by: Tracy Brown 1410 West Col ins Street Flatwoods, KY