Music By: Rüdiger Weiß
Back Vocal: MM Boys
If It Ain't One Thing - It's Another
Opener: (Circle Left)
Ingo Schumacher
I got up this morning, tried to get off of work
Jollenweg 3
I couldn't even find not one clean shirt
26723 Emden, Germany
Allemande Left your corner and Turn Partner Right
Left Allemande your corner and Weave the Ring tonight
There was no hot water when I jumped in the shower
I know my boss is gonna dock me an hour
The older I get the more I discover, If it ain't one thing, it's another
Head Couples Promenade go Halfway
Sides you do a Right & Left Thru, won't do that again
Square Thru four hands, I tried to explain
A Dosado and Eight Chain 4
I called home just to tell her the news
Swing your girl and Promenade, I'm leaving you
She took the kids and she's gone to her mother's
If it ain't one thing, it's another
Head Couples Promenade go Halfway
Sides you do a Right & Left Thru, do not waiting
Square Thru four hands, get motivated
A Dosado and Eight Chain 4
The fool behind me keeps blowing his horn,
Swing your girl and Promenade, it's coming up a storm,
The older I get the more I discover, If it ain't one thing, it's another
Break/Closer: (Sides Face Grand Square)
Light bill, phone bill, water and gas
Pay day comes and it goes so fast
There's no way out and I'm telling you, brother
If it ain't one thing...
Heads Face Grand Square
(Instrumental interlude 32 beats)
If it ain't one thing, it's another
Produced By: Monk Moore, 3522 NC Hwy 55 W, Angier, NC 27501 Phone: 919-639-4454