Pirates And Poets
Called by
Wayne Baldwin
4 ladies chain, you turn that girl
Roll away, circle left you go
4 ladies roll away, circle and then
Left allemande and weave the ring
Pirates and poets and me believe
Dosado and promenade
The buccaneer and Shakespeare inside of me
Believe that we're in love with you
Heads promenade halfway round
Come on and square thru 4 hands round
4 hands and then, swing thru you know
Boys run right and ferris wheel
You square thru 3/4 and then
Swing that girl and promenade again
The buccaneer and Shakespeare inside of me
Believe that we're in love with you
Sides face, grand square
All I ever wanted was to find you, girl
Make love upon the seven seas
If we never make it around the world
Key West will be all right with me
Circle, allemande left, promenade
The buccaneer and Shakespeare inside of me
Believe that we're in love with you
Believe that we're in love with you