Little Red Wagon
Called By
Rich Sbardella
Circle left
Hey, won't you ride in my little red wagon,
I'd love to pull you down the street.
Do an Allemande Left your corner, then you Dosido your own
Boys Star left go round the ring,
Turn your partner by the right hand, and then,
Left Allemande your corner, comeback and Promenade
Won't you ride in my little red wagon,
For you are my sweetheart to be.
.............Heads (Sides) Go Forward
Into the middle and Back, and then Square Thru
Four hands, go moving round and now, with the outside two,
Swing Thru go two by two, Boys Run
...Chain Down your Line, your doing fine.
...Slide Thru, your Corner Swing
Swing that corner lady, Promenade 'round the ring.
Promenade go hand in hand, go walking 'round the land,
And you'll ride in that wagon once again.
Produced by: Tracy Brown & Jack Berg 1410 West Collins Street Flatwoods, KY