Called by
Graham Elliott
Adelaide, South Australia
Original song by Petula Clark
Sequence: Opener, figure twice for heads then twice for sides
4 ladies chain, you turn `em and then you rollaway circle left, DOWNTOWN
4 ladies rollaway, circle again & do a left allemande, weave
Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city
Do-sa-do your partner, one time around now
The men star left turn it once inside the ring,
Meet your partner, turn her by the right
Corners allemande, come back and Box the gnat, pull by, allemande left and all promenade
Downtown, Everything's waiting for you
(Heads/Sides) Promenade ½ way around, walk in and square thru 4 (Downtown)
All the way and then swing thru these two, let the boys run right
Couples circulate, ½ tag, scootback come back and single hinge
Girls trade, swing thru boys run right, tag the line all the way.
Girls turn back, star thru, california twirl, couples circulate, promenade
Downtown, Everything's waiting for you
Inst tag
Produced by: Tracy Brown & Jack Berg 1410 West Collins Street Flatwoods, KY