Sentimental Ol' You
Kuniko Kawashima
OPENER ­ CLOSER : Sides face, grand square
Sentimental ol' you, I love you just the way you are
Sentimental ol' you,
I need you like the night time needs the stars, Circle left
You're the kind of dreamer that dreams big enough for two
Left allemande and promenade back home
Sentimental ol' you
Heads (sides) promenade go half way,
Walk in pass the ocean, extend, Girls trade, Swing thru,
Split circulate two times, All 8 Circulate two times,
Box the gnat, Swing the girl and promenade
If you're wondering who, it's sentimental ol' you
Four ladies chain, turn the girls, Chain back, get back home,
Join your hands circle left, left allemande and weave,
You're the kind of dreamer that dreams big enough for two
Swing and promenade back home
Sentimental ol' you
And whatever you do don't change, sentimental ol' you
Produced by: Tracy Brown, 1410 West Collins Street Flatwoods, KY 41139