Seminole Wind
Caller Kevin Robinson
Circle left
Ever since the days of old men would search of wealth untold
Left allemande, dosado, left allemande, weave the ring
Blow, blow Seminole Wind
Swing your partner, promenade again
I'm calling to you like a long lost friend
But I know who you are
Heads square thru 4 hands you go
Dosado the corner one you know
Swing thru down the lane
Boys run, bend the line, and a right & left thru
Flutter wheel across the set
Slide thru, corner swing, promenade you bet
*I'm calling to you like a long lost friend
But I know who you are
Sides face grand square
Blow, blow Seminole Wind
Blow like you're never gonna blow again
I'm calling to you like a long lost friend
But I know allemande left, weave the ring
Blow, blow from the Okeechobee
All the way up to Micanopy
Blow across the home of the Seminole
The alligators and the gar
Sides face, grand square (instrumental)
Allemande left, weave the ring
Blow, blow Seminole Wind
Blow like you're never gonna blow again
I'm calling to you like a long lost friend
But I know who four ladies chain, over and back
Blow, blow Seminole Wind
Blow like you're never gonna blow again
*Blow across the home of the Seminole
The alligators and the gar
*I listened close and I heads the ghost
Of Osceola cry
*The eagles fly and the otters play
In the land of the Seminole