I Got Rhythm
Called by
Bob Wilcox
Opener, Middle Break, and Closer
Walk around your corner, seesaw your own, join hands circle to the left around you roam
Men star right, one time around tonight, left Allemande that corner, Weave around that ring
Scoop dop doo dop doop doo doop da doop da doo, Swing and promenade the ring
I got music, I got rhythm, I got my girl who could ask for anything more!
Heads/sides promenade ½, square through four, right and left through, veer left, ferris wheel
Centers sweep ¼ more, hang on to her, lead right, swing and promenade
I got music, I got rhythm, I got my girl who could ask for anything more!
Swing her there, Scoop dop doo dop doop doo doop da doop da doo, who could ask for anything more!
Produced by: Tracy Brown 1410 West Collins Street Flatwoods, KY