The Ballad Of Bonnie And Clyde
Cal ed By Michael Johnstone
Sides face grand square
Bonnie and Clyde were pretty lookin' people
But let me tell you people they were the devil's children
Bonnie and Clyde began their evil doings
One lazy afternoon down Savannah way
Circle left
The robbed a store then high-tailed it out of that town
You allemande left, dosado her and then
Promenade till the heat dies down
FIGURE Basic, corner progression
The heads (sides) promenade halfway around there
Walk in and then you're gonna square thru 4
Four hands and then you do the right & left thru
Veer to the left and then you ferris wheel there once more
Square thru 3 hands, that corner lady gonna swing
Swing and promenade around there you roam
And laugh about it all the way home
Sides face grand square
Bonnie and Clyde got to be public enemy number one
Running and hiding from every American lawman's gun
They used to laugh about dying
But deep inside them they knew
Circle left
Pretty soon they'd be lyin'
Allemande left, dosado and then you promenade her too
Four ladies chain and back
Bonnie and Clyde they lived a lot together
And finally together they died
Produced by: Tracy Brown, 1410 West Col ins Street Flatwoods, KY