My Ding-A-Ling
Cal ed By Michael Johnstone
Sides face, grand square
*When I was a little bitty boy
My grandmother bought me a cute little toy
Silver bells hanging on a string
She told me it was my ding-a-ling
Left allemande, promenade her and sing
My ding-a-ling, my ding-a-ling
Won't you play with my ding-a-ling
FIGURE Mainstream, corner progression
Heads square thru 4 hands around you go
With that corner lady do a dosado
Swing thru and then the boys you run to the right
Half tag, walk & dodge and a partner trade tonight
Pass the ocean right now, recycle and then
Swing that corner lady, promenade her again
My ding-a-ling, my ding-a-ling
Won't you play with my ding-a-ling
*Once I swam across Turtle Creek
Man, those snappers all around my feet
It sure was hard to swim that thing
With both hands holding my ding-a-ling-a-ling
*This here song, it ain't so bad
The cutest little song you've ever had
Those of you who will not sing
You must be playing with your own ding-a-ling!
Heads face, grand square
My ding-a-ling, my ding-a-ling
My ding-a-ling (repeat until fade out)